Building a bridge between Systematic and Qualitative Investment
A notable development in the investment landscape is the increasing adoption of a systematic or pure rule-based approach to investment, such as smart beta or factor-based strategies. Systematic investment, also known as quantitative investment, attempts to seek profitable trading rules or algorithms if applied consistently to financial markets. Conversely, discretionary investment management or a qualitative investment approach relies solely on the ability of individual portfolio managers to make profitable trading decisions. The two concepts do not need to be entirely at odds. Discretionary portfolio managers can greatly benefit from integrating elements of a systematic investment approach into their workflow.
Hassle-free Composite Benchmarks by Performance Watcher
Are you tired of wrestling with daily feeds in Excel? Fed up with exorbitant charges from data providers? Does the manual process leave room for costly errors? Say goodbye to these frustrations with Performance Watcher. Our bespoke benchmark framework simplifies defining, rebalancing, and computing index allocations effortlessly. Once we’ve agreed on asset allocation and terms, our backtesting kicks in, ensuring a seamless daily flow. Integrated within Performance Watcher, the workflow guarantees accessibility across all platform analytics…
The all-important Performance Watcher Indices are now available exclusively via a licence
Use your existing tools and integrate the renowned Performance Watcher Indices in your internal or external reporting. Available through an easy-to-use API, directly from your PMS system or via the complete analytical tools of our platform, integrating the market-leading daily private wealth performance indices has never been easier.
Exclusive Insights: The four keys to evaluating portfolio performance.
Investing is more than just choosing assets; it’s about monitoring performance to ensure that your investments align with your financial goals. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned investor, acquiring the keys to assessing portfolio performance is crucial. This guide provides the tools to ask the right questions about portfolio performance, whether you manage your portfolio yourself or delegate the management to someone else. In this article, you will understand: Performance calculation itself and the perverse effect of different Time-weighted methodologies. The same portfolio and same flows may provide different return numbers, leading to wrong analysis and bad decisions or even doubting your manager’s integrity. Relative Performance, or Alpha, and what it explains and doesn’t explain. In any walk of life, the ego gets in the way of common sense, and Alpha provides a nice test bed for ego management. How do you make sure it is presented sensibly? As soon as you invest or delegate the management of your wealth, you accept that, at some point, you will lose money. Losing in the short run to gain long-term is risk-taking. How is that measured? Is your manager using your “risk budget” efficiently? Risk aims to measure your probability of losing money and is a crucial feature of your manager’s efficacy. Does your asset manager correctly express your gains expectations with your acceptance of losses – in short, your risk appetite? Once performance is calculated correctly and risk adequately measured, we can combine performance and risk with the well-known Sharpe Ratio. As old as modern finance, this number can give vital insights into separating two managers with similar performances or a manager with a proper, well-defined, relevant benchmark. How can you exploit its insights when discussing performance with your manager?
Podcast Performance Watcher par Fintech Fair
Merci à Fintech Fair, podcast essentiel de la Fintech Suisse, de nous avoir invité pour parler de Performance Watcher, de son passé son présent et son avenir. Une heure très instructive si vous voulez vraiment tout savoir sur Performance Watcher, par son fondateur Nicholas Hoshcstadter et son CEO Eric Bissonnier. En voici un résumé.Merci à Fintech Fair, podcast essentiel de la Fintech Suisse, de nous avoir invité pour parler de Performance Watcher, de son passé son présent et son avenir. Une heure très instructive si vous voulez vraiment tout savoir sur Performance Watcher, par son fondateur Nicholas Hoshcstadter et son CEO Eric Bissonnier. En voici un résumé.
Êtes-vous conforme à la nouvelle loi sur la protection des données ?
Vous pensiez avoir déjà fait le nécessaire au moment de l’entrée en vigueur de la RGPD ? Que neni. Pour être en conformité avec la nouvelle loi suisse sur la protection des données (nLPD) qui entre en vigueur en septembre 2023 et afin d’éviter une amande salée, il vous faudra encore faire quelques ajustements. La collecte de données, notamment des adresses e-mail, via les sites web est une pratique courante pour les entreprises de toutes tailles. Cependant, dès septembre, les entreprises devront être encore plus prudentes dans leur collecte de données personnelles. Cette nouvelle loi suisse renforce la protection des données personnelles des citoyens suisses, en alignant les normes helvétiques sur celles de l’Union européenne. Cela signifie notamment que les entreprises devront (…)
A busy quarter for Performance Watcher!
Dear Performance Watcher community members, We are thrilled to present this newsletter edition, which marks an exciting turning point for our company. Since the beginning of the year, we have been working tirelessly to improve and expand our offerings, and we are proud to share the fruits of our efforts with you. The redesign of our website and graphic charter has been enthusiastically received by our community, and (…)
Performance Watcher more than ever at your side in 2023 !
Performance Watcher wishes you a prosperous new year, 2023. As far as performance and risk go, we shall look forward to a better year than 2022, fraught caught between a rates regime change and a war in Europe. While Performance Watcher cannot predict the future, we can certainly help understand the past and put it in context. As an asset owner or fiduciary, you can discuss…
The PW Index Composite
The bespoke composite framework in Performance Watcher aims to simplify defining, rebalancing and computing index allocations, making them available for use in platform analytics and internal reporting. After agreeing on the asset allocation at an appropriately granular level, as well as underlying indices and terms and conditions, we generate a backtest and start the daily flow. Since it is integrated into Performance Watcher, the indices are…
Performance Watcher adapts its professional license scheme to client needs
IBO is constantly adapting Performance Watcher to the community’s needs, and the structure of our professional licences is no exception. To better reflects differing needs and functions within an investment firm, we have changed our licensing scheme. Although the cost is generally unchanged, we have simplified its structure. Maintaining your…